An outstanding company is built around a team of excellent employees. Traditionally, the recruitment process has been reduced to the fact that candidates sought to present themselves to their potential employers in the most favorable light. Although today, to stand out among other candidates, applicants still have to make some efforts, companies also have to promote themselves as a potential employer, thereby encouraging applicants to submit their resumes for consideration. Modern job seekers may well spend several hours collecting and organizing information about a potential employer. This partly explains why 86% of HR professionals believe that today’s corporate hiring strategy is akin to marketing.
However, the question remains open: “How much does your enterprise recruiting strategy take into account current trends?”
By carefully planning your activities and using modern recruitment management software, you will increase the efficiency of filling vacant posts. Analysts of leading world agencies are unanimous in their opinion: in order to comply with modern world trends and achieve the highest efficiency of the recruiting process, your personnel selection management system should provide the following opportunities:
- full transparency of all stages of the recruiting process;
- accessibility to HR managers of social and mobile candidate search tools and job search tools for potential candidates;
- a means of quantifying the effectiveness of the recruiter at all stages of the recruitment process.
Recruiting is the process of searching, selecting, hiring and retaining employees in an enterprise to ensure its efficient operation. If a large number of candidates apply for an open vacancy, this opens up more opportunities for choosing and attracting the most suitable employee.
In turn, applicants are looking for an enterprise that can offer them a job in accordance with their qualifications. In a broad sense, recruiting links enterprises with open vacancies on the one hand and job applicants on the other. According to Dale Yoder, recruiting is the process of “identifying sources of labor to meet staffing requirements and taking measures to attract this workforce in an amount sufficient to ensure the effective selection of qualified personnel.”
The company’s management team has a much greater goal for the recruiting team than just filling open vacancies with any suitable applicants. Hiring an employee is accompanied by the assumption that he will remain in the company, and sooner or later his professional skills will grow. Therefore, a matter of paramount importance is the analysis of the qualities of each applicant in terms of the prospects for long-term work in the company.
The first step towards hiring a new employee is posting job information. Modern employers are well aware of the importance of recruiting in social networks and search engine optimization. A post about an open vacancy successfully posted on a social networking site, accompanied by a description of working conditions, can reach a solid audience of potential applicants, and corporate style elements included in such a post will provide an additional incentive for applicants. If Clobbi.Recruiting is an automated recruitment system for organizing recruiting, then visitors to your corporate Facebook page can fill out a questionnaire on the post page about an open vacancy, and it will be automatically saved in your company’s cloud storage.
Filling in the widget on the page of the post on Facebook the questionnaire of the candidate for the vacant position (in the insert – the post itself about the vacancy on the Facebook page)
However, modern recruiting is not just fashionable chips. Modern IT solutions will allow recruiters to significantly reduce the time they seek for employees by automating key stages of working with candidates, while using cloud computing technologies will also save a lot of money.
Today, most HR professionals invest in automated recruitment management systems that integrate all related processes into a single platform, and with the help of such tools they examine the pool of applicants. The use of such funds becomes a key factor in the effective work of a recruiter to attract qualified personnel. For example, the Clobbi.Recruiting system allows you to publish information on job openings in social networks on job search sites and social networks, collect information about job seekers on social networks and job search sites, store step-by-step information about contacts with applicants and analyze the pool of candidates for selecting the most suitable job seekers. This toolkit provides full transparency of all stages of recruiting and provides mobile and social tools for both a recruiter and a candidate for the job.
Recruitment automation tools allow HR professionals to analyze metrics that are key to understanding how and where job seekers look for job information. Understanding these trends will allow the company to most effectively organize the hiring process – from generating a vacancy message to accepting a candidate for the state. The recruitment management automation system generates data, the analysis of which allows organizing recruiting in the most efficient manner and hiring the best employees.
Cloud-based software is a real find for a recruiter. An automated recruitment management system, as well as step-by-step communications planning tools, will help you track the current status of each candidate in the recruiting funnel. Thus, a specialized IT recruiting solution is a key component in improving the efficiency of a hiring specialist. All data on open vacancies, submitted CVs and the results of contacts with applicants at each stage of the recruitment process of the Clobbi.Recruiting system is stored in a cloud storage based on the Microsoft Azure data storage and processing platform. This ensures maximum security of data storage and their availability for company employees. This solution provides each recruiter with access to the tools for viewing and managing candidates in the recruiting funnel. The centralized storage of data in the cloud and the availability of analysis tools provide the ability in real time to monitor the status of each candidate and the grades put to him by the recruiter.